What is PCOD ?

PCOD stands for polycystic ovarian disease. This suggests that PCOD women have more than ten eggs in each ovary. The ovary is the structure that houses the eggs. A normal ovary is on the right, and a PCO ovary is on the left, as you can see in this photograph. This disorder affects 5 to 10% of women between the ages of 12 and 45. PCOD is not a sickness, and women with it can have children. They will use IVF if they are unable to conceive naturally. Patients with PCOD have the best IVF success rates and have the option of having twins.

The symptoms of PCOD.

Generally women with PCOD will have the following symptoms:

What is the treatment of PCOD ?

The treatment for PCOD is determined by the patient’s goals. If the patient is not married and does not want to have children, lifestyle changes and weight loss may be beneficial. However, if you want to start a family, you can try a variety of procedures.

  • Ovulation induction and planned relation /IUI: Ovulation induction is the process of growing the patients follicles using medicines and monitoring the follicle growth under ultrasound. Once the follicle becomes 18-20mm then trigger is given and patient is advised to keep relations or an IUI is done.
  • IVF: In case you have tried IUI and planned relations more than 3 times it is better and have not conceived, there is some other underlying problem that needs to be solved. In such a case IVF is a better option to proceed with. In IVF the chances of success for a PCO patient are almost 80%.
  • ICSI: Incase you are a PCO patient and you husbands sperm count is less then ICSI is the way forward. In PCO patients ICSI success rate is 90%.

If you want to know more about these treatments call us on 9423147554