Test tube baby & art
IUI (Intrauterine insemination)
Semen is introduced via cannula into the female reproductive tract.
IUI Indication
- Low sperm count
- Reduced sperm motility
- Azospermia (Lack of sperms in semen)
- Poor cervical mucus
- Anti sperm Antibody : causes reduction in sperm motility
(In-vitro fertilization & Embryo transfer)
This procedure comprises of injecting exogenous hormones in the female body, to develop eggs (oocyte). Retrieving the developed ovum. The sperm and ovum fertilized in-vitro (in the test tube). After incubation period of 48- 72 hours fertilized embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity.
IVF & ET indications
- Low sperm count (< 20 million)
- Bilateral tubal block
- Endometriosis
- Failed IUI procedure
- Unexplained infertility
- Failed donor insemination
- Immunological causes ( Anti sperm/ oocyte antibodies)
- ICSI Indication
- Oligospermia ( Low sperm count )
- Reduced Sperm motility
- Anti sperm antibody
- Azospermia (Lack of sperms in semen ; production of sperms is normal )
- TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)
ICSI ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
For low sperm count male partners. The sperm is directly injected into the oocyte.
Embryo Donation
Embryo Donation
Oocyte Donation
Oocyte Donation
Genetic counseling and PGS
Genetic counseling and PGS
Surrogate Mother
If the female partner has trouble conceiving due to defects in the female reproductive tract. The fertilized embryo is implanted in surrogate mother’s uterus.
Vitrification (frozen embryo)
Which is stored and can be implanted later on.
Oocyte Vitrification
For social and fertility preservation in cancer patients.
Genetic counseling and PGS
Genetic counseling and PGS
Laser hatching
Laser hatching