Zero Sperm Count
Zero Sperm Count
A sperm count of 0 on a sperm report isn’t uncommon. You don’t have to be concerned. Even if the sperm count in the sperm is zero, sperm can be retrieved from the testes using a simple process, and the embryo produced. TESA ICSI is the name of this procedure, and it has helped many couples conceive.
The testicles are where sperm is produced. It makes its way through the reproductive system and combines with the seminal duct fluid. The sperm and this fluid combine to form semen, which is the thick, white ejaculate that emerges from the penis.
The sperm is removed from the equation in azoospermia. Although you ejaculated, it did not include sperm. Although you may be familiar with the term “low sperm count,” azoospermia is referred to as “no sperm count.”
What causes azoospermia (zero sperm count)?
Non-obstructive Azoospermia is caused by abnormalities in the function or structure of the testes, as well as decreased functioning of hormones involved for sperm production.
Obstructive Azoospermia is caused due to some obstruction into the reproductive tract.
Non Obstructive azoospermia:
- Pre-testicular azoospermia (non-obstructive)
Testicular azoospermia (non-obstructive)